Author Archive

article about chmod file permissions added

Thursday, February 5th, 2004
Added an article about chmod ‘ing files (changing permissions) in unix using an FTP was added today:
It includes a handy-dandy calculator for figuring out the permission settings of your favorite FTP software (like WSFTP, CuteFTP, etc). redesigned for 2004

Wednesday, January 7th, 2004
We have completed our overhaul of the website.
It is now a bit more “current” as far as design and layout are concerned. We will also be adding more areas to the site. The upcoming articles and downloads will be beneficial to both our current and potential clients.
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Circle R

Thursday, January 1st, 2004
Happy New Year from Circle R Designs!
Wishing all of our clients, both current and future, the best in the new year!

We've been designing award winning, effective websites for over 10 years.See how Circle R can help you get your site noticed!